Portals on the Gulag
1917-1991: The Last Witnesses
Video-interviews with victims and witnesses of the Soviet totalitarian epoch
Gedenkmuster. Sowjetische Verbrechen - Russische Erinnerung. (Commemoration Patterns: Soviet Crimes - Russian Remembrance). In German.
Website of the professorship for Eastern European history at the Friedrich-Schiller Universität in Jena providing introductions to institutions devoted to the examination of Soviet crimes of society in Russia as well as photos and descriptions of commemoration sites and the arenas of political repression.
Perm-36 Memorial
An online exhibition presented by the museum on the grounds of the Perm 36 camp established in 1946. In English.
The History of the "Gulag" Empire (Fatekh Vergasov, Nikita Petrov)
An introductory text on the history of the Gulag in 19 chapters with glossary and numerous charts and statistics. In Russian.
Gulag: "Forced Labor Camps", online exhibition
The online museum of the Open Society Archives of the Central European University Budapest on the history of the Gulag in the Soviet Union and the Soviet sphere of influence. In English.
GULAG: Many Days, Many Lives.
Online exhibition of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia) in cooperation with "Memorial", Moscow and the Perm 36 Gulag Museum, with numerous photographs and biographies; blog with scholars, online instruction materials for teachers (National Resource Center for Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies, Harvard University). In English.
International Institute of Political Murder (Milo Rau, Cologne/Zurich)
Der dunkle Kontinent (The Dark Continent). Theater, video installation, staged congress and book. The project uses theatrical means to investigate the strategies of Stalinist purges and show trials. A theatrically staged congress entitled Logik der Unterdrückung. Macht, Justiz, Vernichtung im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert ("The Logic of Repression: Power, Justice, Annihilation in the 20th and 21st Centuries") and taking place at the Deutsches Nationaltheater in Weimar is devoted to the artistic and philosophical examination of modern and post-modern justice and surveillance systems. In German.
European Memories of the Gulag
Interviews with former Gulag inmates, placed into thematic contexts, with introductions. In French, English, Russian and Polish.
"Memorial" Germany
German Internet portal on the history of the Gulag with comprehensive map, introductory texts, biographies of German Gulag inmates and an online library of essays on the Soviet-occupied zone / GDR. In German.
"Memorial" Russia
Official website of "Memorial" Russia with event calendar, announcements of lectures and new publications, information on human rights violations, access to databases on political persecution, further reading and documents. In Russian.
"Memorial" St. Petersburg
Virtual Gulag museum with photographs and exhibition objects. Overview of Gulag museums, commemoration sites and gravesites in Russian and a wealth of online resources on the history of the Gulag. In Russian.
Monastery on Solovki
A virtual tour of the monastery on Solovki. In English.
Sakharov Center, Moscow
"Memories of the Gulag", authors and texts remembering the Gulag: the online collection of the museum and public "Andrei Sakharov" Centre, Moscow, with biographies, bibliographies and first-hand reports on the Gulag. In Russian.
Solovki Encyclopaedia
Short film, memoirs and biographical information. In Russian.
State Gulag Museum
In Russian.